
Kali linux how to use the cat command
Kali linux how to use the cat command

kali linux how to use the cat command

Reads the contents of file1.txt and file2.txt, and displays them in order on the terminal screen. Read the contents of file.txt and display them on the screen. Use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB. If you are using a different Unix-like operating system ( BSD, for example), some of these options may not be available check your specific documentation for details. These options are available on GNU cat, which is standard on most Linux distributions. In short, cat is a simple but very useful tool for working with the data in text files, system logs, configuration files, and any other human-readable data stored in a file. which would output the following text: My Shopping List you could use the echo command to output text, pipe that output to cat, and instruct cat to catenate it with the file's contents, like this: echo "My Shopping List" | cat - list.txt For example, if you have a file, list.txt, which contains the following text: apples Incorporating standard input into cat outputĬat reads from standard input if you specify a hyphen (" -") as a file name.

kali linux how to use the cat command

writes the combined contents of mytext.txt and mytext2.txt to the end of another-text-file.txt. The cat command also works for multiple text files as well: cat mytext.txt mytext2.txt > another-text-file.txt If another-text-file.txt does not already exist, it is created and the contents of mytext.txt will be written to the new file. reads the contents of mytext.txt, and write them at the end of another-text-file.txt. Instead of overwriting another file, you can also append a source text file to another using the redirection operator " >".įor instance: cat mytext.txt > another-text-file.txt Append a text file's contents to another text file Again, if newfile.txt does not already exist, it is created if it already exists, it is overwritten. reads the contents of mytext.txt and mytext2.txt and write the combined text to the file newfile.txt. For instance: cat mytext.txt mytext2.txt > newfile.txt Similarly, you can catenate several files into your destination file. If newfile.txt already exists, it is overwritten and its previous contents are lost, so be careful. If newfile.txt does not exist, it is created. reads the contents of mytext.txt and send them to standard output instead of displaying the text, however, the shell redirects the output to the file newfile.txt. However, you can redirect this output to a file using the shell redirection symbol " >".įor instance, this command: cat mytext.txt > newfile.txt You can use cat to make copies of text files in much the same way.Ĭat sends its output to stdout (standard output), which is usually the terminal screen. Normally you would copy a file with the cp command. Prints the contents of those two text files as if they were a single file.

kali linux how to use the cat command

So this command: cat mytext.txt mytext2.txt If you specify more than one file name, cat displays those files one after the other, catenating their contents to standard output. If you want to view the document page-by-page or scroll back and forth through the document, you can use a pager or viewer such as pg, more, or less. If mytext.txt is very long, they will zoom past and you only see the last screen's worth of your document. reads the contents of mytext.txt and send them to standard output (your terminal screen). It displays the contents of the text file on the screen. The simplest way to use cat is to give it the name of a text file. Append the contents of a text file to the end of another text file, combining them.Cat stands for " catenate." It is one of the most commonly-used commands in Unix-like operating systems.

Kali linux how to use the cat command